
Is this “Transformation” or “Incompetence”

Ok here we go!! We have a President who campaigned and promised us that he would “fundamentally” transform the United States of America. In my opinion he has failed miserably at everything he has promised to “fundamentally” change. Is it that he is basically incompetent or has he surrounded himself with people who are, or is he just a puppet? I am beginning to believe seriously that he is simply a puppet and the puppet master has not yet been disclosed. However we have a pretty good idea who it could be don’t we?

I guess we first should see if it is actually a failure or is this simply part of the overall plan to get more and more people reliant on the government? I have talked to numerous people who have said that we have already moved past socialism and are heading even deeper into what? Marxism? Communism? And the number of people who claim that he will not go out of office easily? Watch for something to happen in 2015 or early 2016 that he declares marshal Law and sets himself up as dictator. Scary, but these have been the comments I have heard.

Let’s take a quick look at our environment that he cannot blame Bush for:

1) Over 49% of the American public is on some sort of government subsidy. It has never been higher in our history!
2) We have Benghazi!! Where has this issue gone? It is surely off the radar screen. But let us never forget Kiliary Clinton in her green jumpsuit yelling at the congress, “What difference does it make? They are dead!!” What difference does it make? 4 Americans were killed and Obama and Rice and Clinton all lied to the American public. The killings were because of some You-Tube video?
3) IRS scandal where Obama was scrutinizing the conservative non profits and that he met with the Director of the IRS more than 157 times and according to Obama not one smidgen of untruth or anything dishonest was going on? Then why did he have to meet with this Director 157 times?
4) This is one of my all time favorites; Obama is pushing for immigration that would allow immigrants into the United States that have “LIMITED” ties to known terrorist!!! Are you kidding me! If you have any ties at all, even a distant distant distant cousin, guess what? You are not coming into the United States.
5) Obama is single handedly eliminating our primary source of electricity; coal!! Yes, when he took office over 50% of all our electricity came from coal. Now it is down to less than 30% and falling. And where is the alternative energy coming from? Can’t build a nuke power plant because of all the red tape, in fact third world countries us nuke power more than we do???
6) He continues to block the development of the Keystone Pipeline. Even though it would provide thousands of jobs.
7) He is against “fracking”, even as the cost of energy is bankrupting us. Now that he has effectively stopped fracking, Natural gas has increased 708%!!
8) Obamacare, what more can be said? He has used his “pen” more than 29 times changing the requirements for this mess called Obamacare. I first refused to call it Obamacare and only referred to it as The Affordable care Act, but now to remind people who the author of this legislation is, I refer to it as OBAMACARE. This is one of the best topics ever, first people that were told it was free healthcare are finding out just the opposite and now are not paying the premiums. Second, the young people are not signing up, third over half of the people that this was designed to help, yes those uninsured Americans that this healthcare was designed to help haven’t signed up. Obama lied to the American public about keeping your doctors and health plans, Harry Reid says all the people are lying when they tell their horror stories. The latest one is the gentleman from Las Vegas who because of this OBAMACARE is in debt now over $407,000. Yes Harry one of your own citizens. And to close this one up, Nancy Pelosi’s comment about the law; “We need to pass the law in order to know what is in it”! They didn’t even ready the law they passed. And remember my friends not one Republican voted for this law! Not one!!! So don’t blame it on them!!

These are only a few of the examples of this failed administration. If Obama can’t fundamentally change the economy, healthcare, unemployment and other issues why does he have his hands into Education? Check out the examples; its called The Common Core. First of all according to Article 1, Section 8 of the constitution, nowhere in this list of powers does the Feds have any authority in the education domain. But with State budgets so tight and education budgets falling every year, Obama is now pushing this socialist/marxist educational system onto our children. It all started with the 2009 stimulous package. It was the carrot and the stick! Money $$$ to states and schools was the carrot and NEW federal regulations is the stick. Take the time to Google “Common Core Standards”. You won’t believe what you read and see???

What I see is this; people just don’t care anymore. They have basically given up. Unless it effects them personally, they don’t care. We quit reading, we believe that everything the news tells us is the gospel, even though for 17 1/2 weeks one of the major networks has not reported anything on OBAMACARE!! Yes, 17 1/2 weeks.

And then the comments we hear from the liberals some are quite good:

Nancy Pelosi says that we should use the longer waiting times in the ER to meet and make new friends! Now that’s a place where I would go to make new friends, how about you?

Harry Reid saying all the comments from people who have lost their doctors, policies, and healthcare policies are all liars! Seriously Harry? What world are you living in? Earth to Harry?

Here in Michigan we have a Senate race going on and the Republican candidate is using an ad featuring a woman who has leukemia and is explaining how Rep Gary Peters who voted for Obamacare should be held accountable. Rep. peters is hiding behind lawyers instead of coming out and telling us why he is so upset about this most effective commercial. Come on Gary, what is your problem?

We need to connect the dots people. We have become more and more dependent on the US Government for something, falling right into their overall plan. We are in debt to the tune of $17 TRILLION and growing. Growing so rapidly that China and Russia are beginning to sell our debt and talking about becoming the standard for the worlds currency. If this happens, you will be seeing prices of gas above $9 a gallon for sure, inflation like the uncontrolled inflation in Brazil. Why you ask? As the standard for the world currency we are the only country that can print money anytime we want. Other countries do not have that liberty. So lose the status of the benchmark for the world, inflation will skyrocket!! Look it up. Go the the International Monetary Fund and read about it. Obama wants to raise the minimum wage to over $10 an hour. Even my nephew, a junior in college can see the negative effects this would cause!!

We have a very serious mess on our hands and it is getting worse by the day! My heart aches, literally aches for my grandchildren as the days of innocence is gone! The world I grew up in during the 50’s and 60’s are long gone and will never be back. Instead young people today will have the government in every aspect of their lives, they will never be able to send their children out to play without security, they will be living pay check to pay check, retirement is not in the cards, you will work until you die and you can only hope that it won’t be in some uniform where you have to pledge alligance to Obama!!
